Tuesday 22 January 2013

Talk Homework for Friday 25th January

Due to Friday's school closure we did not get the chance to do our Big Writing last week. Therefore we hope to do it this Friday - weather permitting! Here is a copy of last week's talk homework letter:

This week our writing will form a poster to highlight the dangers of electricity. I would like you to talk about the following:

*   What are the dangers of electricity?
*   How can we use it safely?
*   What 'wow' words can we use instead of the word danger so that we do not 'wear out 
    the batteries' by over using the same word!

There are also several games they can play on the internet that highlight the different dangers. One that we have been looking at in class can be found on the Topmarks website by typing 'electricity power up' into the search bar.

Remember, the more talking the better! Have fun!

Mrs Tucker

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