Tuesday 8 January 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! Dosbarth Twcan are looking forward to their new topic 'Robot Rampage'. As part of this topic we will be looking at engineers in history, the history of robotics, electrical circuits and using mechanisms to make things move. 

Please can pupils bring in their PE kits by Thursday for our first PE lesson of the term. Remember to bring reading books to school everyday.

This week's maths looks at number facts for making 10, ie 1+9, 2+8 etc and how if we know this we can also work out mentally how to make 100 using multiples of 10. ie 10+90, 20+80. We will also look multiples of 5 making 100, eg 75+25.

Next week we will be looking at 3D shapes. Pupils will learn that a prism is named after its end-faces and that the other faces are rectangles. They will also learn to use the vocabulary faces,vertices and edges. 

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