Tuesday 29 January 2013

Dr Who Experience

Pictures of our 'Wow' day at the Dr Who experience (for our 'Robot Rampage' topic), courtesy of our unofficial photographer - Mrs Taylor-Dodd!

Tuesday 22 January 2013


This week's maths is data handling. We will be making tally charts and using that information to complete frequency tables and bar graphs. To help read a tally chart pupils need to be confident at counting in 5s and then counting on in from a multiple of 5. 

Next week we will be looking at measurements. We'll start the week looking at measuring liquids: using the vocabulary capacity, litres and millilitres. They will be comparing how much different bottle and jugs hold, reading the measuring jugs and making estimates. At the end of the week we will be looking at time. Pupils will be looking at the relationship between days, hours, minutes and seconds (ie how many seconds in a minute, minutes in an hour etc.) 

Please could you send in any clean, empty, plastic bottles that we can use to measure with eg shampoo, shower gel. All shapes and sizes welcome! Thank you.

Talk Homework for Friday 25th January

Due to Friday's school closure we did not get the chance to do our Big Writing last week. Therefore we hope to do it this Friday - weather permitting! Here is a copy of last week's talk homework letter:

This week our writing will form a poster to highlight the dangers of electricity. I would like you to talk about the following:

*   What are the dangers of electricity?
*   How can we use it safely?
*   What 'wow' words can we use instead of the word danger so that we do not 'wear out 
    the batteries' by over using the same word!

There are also several games they can play on the internet that highlight the different dangers. One that we have been looking at in class can be found on the Topmarks website by typing 'electricity power up' into the search bar.

Remember, the more talking the better! Have fun!

Mrs Tucker

Monday 21 January 2013


We have been learning about electrical circuits so that we will be able to make our robots do exciting things!


We will be designing our own robots this term so have been exploring how to build them using lego.

Dr Who Exhibition

The trip!
When I went on the amazing trip we buyed doctor pens, doctor pencils and I buyed a DS case with a DS pen. It was scary when I got there but then I felt better and we saw Doctor Who on a screen, he told me to pull a lever! We saw the first doctor to the tenth and the clothes were amazing and I saw the Doctor Who box.

By Taylah Robins

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Dosbarth Twcan– Talk Homework

This week we will be writing a biography about the Isambard
Kingdom Brunel and his engineering designs, for example, the Box Hill Tunnel, the Clifton Suspension Bridge and the biggest ship at the time, the Great Eastern. There is lots of information on the internet (BBC Primary History has a very good site with photos, videos, information and games) and I the pupils are also looking his story in class today. I would like you to think and talk about the following:

· What was his early life like?
· What is an engineer?
· What did he design?
· Why were his designs important?

Remember to think of as many WOW words as you can to help you make your writing more exciting!

The more talking the better! Enjoy!

Mrs Tucker

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! Dosbarth Twcan are looking forward to their new topic 'Robot Rampage'. As part of this topic we will be looking at engineers in history, the history of robotics, electrical circuits and using mechanisms to make things move. 

Please can pupils bring in their PE kits by Thursday for our first PE lesson of the term. Remember to bring reading books to school everyday.

This week's maths looks at number facts for making 10, ie 1+9, 2+8 etc and how if we know this we can also work out mentally how to make 100 using multiples of 10. ie 10+90, 20+80. We will also look multiples of 5 making 100, eg 75+25.

Next week we will be looking at 3D shapes. Pupils will learn that a prism is named after its end-faces and that the other faces are rectangles. They will also learn to use the vocabulary faces,vertices and edges.