Saturday 12 October 2013

Fleet Air Arm photos

 Standing under Concorde.

We put together a model Box Kite plane like the Wright Brothers invented.

We walked through Concorde and saw the flight deck.

There were lots of interesting planes to look at.

 We made model planes out of balsa wood and launched them.

 We were able to sit in the cockpit of this Vampire plane and handle the controls.

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Visit to Fleet Air Arm Museum

Dosbarth Twcan had a fantastic trip to the Fleet Air Arm Museum last week. They started the day learning about the Wright Brothers Box Kite plane and helped to build a model of it. In the classroom area under Concorde they build model planes out of plywood which they then launched off a model aircraft carrier that was rolling like it was travelling across the ocean. We measured to see which planes traveled the furthest- Morgan won as his flew 10 metres. After lunch we went on Concorde, sat in the cockpit of a Vampire plane and saw a 3D film about planes landing and taking off on air craft carriers. Photos to follow...

Talk Homework

Following our exciting visit to the Fleet Air Arm Museum, for our Big Writing this week we will be writing a biography about the Wright Brothers. Pupils have had a Powerpoint presentation about the brothers' lives and seen a film about one of their early flights.Can you talk to your child about the brothers and encourage them to use words that show the passing of time eg a long time ago, later, as they grew up etc. There is lots of information online and all pupils should have brought home an outline of the brothers' lives leading up to their historic flight.

Thanks for your support and happy talking!!

Mrs Tucker