Thursday 22 November 2012


This week in maths we have been rounding numbers up or down to the nearest multiple of ten, eg 46 rounds up to 50 but 44 goes down to 40. We have learnt the rule that, as 5 is halfway between multiples of ten, we always round up. To reinforce our work you might like to play a rounding game: place in order multiples of 10 cards, 10, 20, 30 etc. Throw 2 dice and write them on a blank card eg 26. Your child then place the card under the multiple of 10 that it rounds to. This can be extended to 3-digit numbers for children who can confidently round 2-digit numbers.

Next week we are starting the week by counting on in 10s, 100s and 50s from zero. We will be finishing the week by recognising odd and even numbers to at least 50. (There are lots of catchy songs on U Tube about odd and even numbers that you might like to look at).

Dosbarth Twcan– Talk Homework

Our class is going to look like a kite shop by the end of the week as we are busy making kites of all shapes and sizes! For our Big Writing this week we are going to write a newspaper article/advertising
feature about a new kite shop that is due to open in Taffs Well. We will need to think about
· Where the shop is going to be
· What the opening hours  are
· Words to entice buyers to come an visit
· What the kites look like that they are going to stock
· Any opening offers or bargains

The more talking the better! Enjoy!

Mrs Tucker

Monday 12 November 2012

This week in maths we will be looking at fractions, eg 1/2, 1/4, 1/3, 1/8. The pupils will be learning that a fraction consists of equal parts. They will explore shapes. They will have some money problems where they need to find half or a quarter of the given amount of coins.

Dosbarth Twcan– Talk Homework

This week we will be writing a story based on being given a kite. For inspiration we are going to be looking at videos clips of Japanese kite festivals and the ‘Let’s Go fly a Kite’ scene from Mary Poppins.  I would like you to think and talk about the following:

· What would the kite in your story look like?
· How would you feel after being given a kite?
· Where would you go to fly it?
· What’s the weather like?
· What might happen when you go to fly it for the first time?

Remember to think of as many WOW words as you can to help you make your writing more exciting!

The more talking the better! Enjoy!

Mrs Tucker

Tuesday 6 November 2012

maths topic for week beginning 5th November

This week we are looking at multiplication and ensuring that the pupils understand that it is the same as repeated addition, for example 5+5+5+5= 20 is the same as 5x4. You can help them by practising counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. Pupils can make sets of objects eg put their crayons into bundles of 2, how many have they got altogether? How can they write it? They can also try and solve practical problems eg when shopping, there are 5 plums in the punnet, how many will you have if you buy 3 punnets?

Talk Homework for week beginning 5th November

This week we will be writing a biography about Amelia Earhart and how she became the first woman to fly the Atlantic. There is lots of information about her on the internet and I am sending a copy of her story home with the pupils. I would like you to think and talk about the following: 
* What did she enjoy doing when she was growing up?
* How did she get interested in flying?
* What happened in 1932?
* Why is there a mystery surrounding her?

Remember to think of as many WOW words as you can to help make your writing more exciting! The more talking the better, enjoy!

Mrs Tucker